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React hook used to create a prompt.

import usePrompt from "use-prompt";
const [prompt, showPrompt, visible, clearPrompt] = usePrompt(
  options?: {
    persist?: boolean;
): [RenderedPrompt, ShowPrompt, IsVisible, ClearPrompt]


  • options Object

    • persist

      false: The prompt is completely added and removed from the DOM (default).

      true: The prompt will remain in the DOM always…letting you control how and when the prompts display is changed.


  • RenderedPrompt The rendered output. You should place this somewhere in the DOM.

    type RenderedPrompt = ReactNode;
  • ShowPrompt Callback used to trigger/show the prompt.

    type ShowPrompt = (renderer: Renderer) => Promise<Response>;

    This takes a component or callback function as an argument and returns a promise as its result.

    For more details see below.

  • IsVisible Boolean indicating whether or not the prompt is currently visible.

    type IsVisible = boolean;
  • ClearPrompt Callback which clears/resets the prompt.

    type ClearPrompt = () => void;

showPrompt callback

showPrompt is a callback that triggers/opens the prompt:

showPrompt: (Renderer) => Promise<Response>

When calling showPrompt you pass it a callback or component with the following signature:

(props: {
  visible: boolean,
  resolve: (value: Response) => void,
  reject: (value?: Response) => void,
}) => ReactNode;

Here is a quick snippet showing how you can use the props passed in to the prompt:

showPrompt(({ resolve }) => <div onClick={resolve}>My prompt</div>);